Understanding Plea Bargains and Negotiations in Criminal Defense Cases

March 19, 2024 | Criminal Defense Attorney

As a criminal defendant, you may think that your case is going to be decided in court in front of a jury. The hard work in many criminal cases often happens out of court when your criminal defense attorney and the prosecutor sit down to negotiate a plea deal. The attorneys at Hogan Eickhoff provide you with pragmatic legal defense while standing up for you to the prosecutor.

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How Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help with Domestic Violence Charges in Wisconsin?

October 24, 2023 | Court Hearings

There are high stakes involved when you are facing any type of domestic violence charges in Wisconsin. If you are convicted, there will be immediate impacts. You cannot and should not face the legal system alone. Otherwise, you may be subject to a rush to judgment, and you can do damage to your own case. You should always contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as you are arrested or you learn that you are being investigated.

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What to Do if You Are Pulled Over for OWI This Holiday Season

December 20, 2022 | Criminal Defense Attorney

OWI arrests throughout Wisconsin often increase dramatically over the holiday season. People celebrate the holidays at gatherings where alcohol is served. Accordingly, police departments increase enforcement efforts during the holiday season to deter and catch drunk drivers. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are among the days when there is the highest number of OWI arrests.

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Why Would Someone Take a Plea If They Are Innocent?

August 26, 2022 | Criminal Defense Attorney

A large majority of criminal defendants will plead guilty before they ever reach a trial. Not every single defendant who pleads guilty actually committed the crime with which they are charged. There are many reasons why someone who is innocent feels compelled to take a plea deal.

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Why Would Someone Go to Trial If They Are Guilty?

August 9, 2022 | Criminal Defense Attorney

In criminal cases, defendants must make crucial decisions with the help of their attorney at various stages of the process. There is no more important decision that you will make than whether to go to trial. If you lose at trial, you can face a more serious jail sentence than if you accepted a plea deal. Nonetheless, it may make sense to go to trial, even if you have done some (or all) of what the prosecutor alleges. Your attorney will give you the best advice about how to proceed in your case.

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Does Taking a Plea Deal Result in a Conviction on Your Record?

June 8, 2021 | Criminal Convictions

In some cases, the best legal outcome in your case means that you enter into a deal with the prosecutor for lesser charges or a reduced sentence. For some defendants, it is the best way to put the matter behind them and move on with their life. It’s important to understand that in some cases, a plea bargain may still result in a criminal conviction on your record. One of your major considerations going forward is how the plea deal will impact your future. With that in mind, a frequent question we are asked is whether a plea deal will stay on your record.

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What Is the Difference Between a Guilty Plea and a No-Contest Plea?

April 22, 2021 | Court Hearings

Many people simply assume that a no-contest plea is the same exact thing as a guilty plea. While the two have a similar effect in a criminal case, there are some key differences. Before deciding what plea to enter in a case, it is crucial to consult with a criminal defense lawyer to understand the ramifications of each course of action. An Appleton criminal defense attorney could provide you with the legal advice that you need.

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Tips for Talking to the State Prosecutor

February 25, 2021 | Criminal Defense Attorney

Talking to the prosecutor can be a make-or-break moment for your case. The chances are that you and your criminal defense attorney have concluded that there is some benefit to be had from a face-to-face meeting where you submit to questions. Given the critical importance of this interview, you must not prepare extensively. You must also be very disciplined during the interview itself, considering the stakes. Here are some things to consider before you sit down for an interview with the prosecutor.

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The Pros and Cons of Agreeing to Be Interviewed by the State

February 9, 2021 | Criminal Defense Attorney

Also known as the “queen for a day” arrangement, an interview with law enforcement as part of the criminal justice process is a critically important part of your case. Many defendants are understandably afraid to talk to the same law enforcement personnel who may be trying to put them in prison. When their criminal defense lawyer raises the topic with them, they may have reservations. However, there are reasons why an interview with law enforcement can help your case. Here are the pros and cons of agreeing to be interviewed by law enforcement.

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Initial Court Appearances in Wisconsin

October 13, 2020 | Court Hearings

If you have been charged with committing a crime in the State of Wisconsin, your first court appearance will be an initial appearance hearing. In some courts, this initial proceeding is referred to as an arraignment proceeding.

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