Facing Violent Crime Charges in Wisconsin: Legal Defense and Outcomes

February 5, 2024 | Criminal Defense Attorney

Violent crimes are almost always charged as felonies. A conviction would lead to a jail sentence, and likely a long one. Violent crime charges are a very serious matter. You need an experienced criminal defense attorney to defend you, and you need to hire one immediately. Your lawyer would help you determine the path forward in your case. The attorneys at Hogan Eickhoff are standing by and ready to help you.

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Exploring Wisconsin’s Self-Defense Laws in Criminal Cases

August 22, 2023 | Constitution

Kyle Rittenhouse was an 18-year-old man charged with reckless homicide and intentional homicide in the shooting of three men during protests against the shooting of a black man, Jacob Blake, by a white police officer in Kenosha in 2021. Rittenhouse’s defense attorneys argued that Rittenhouse was the person facing danger, with one man trying to attack Rittenhouse with a skateboard and Rittenhouse only defending himself against his would-be attackers.

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How Bail Works in Wisconsin

June 8, 2022 | Bail

When defendants are charged with a crime, remaining at home while they await trial is not always a given. Defendants must be released pending trial, and in some cases, judges may order that they be held in custody while they are awaiting trial. The bail hearing is one of the most important moments in the early stages of the criminal justice process.

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What Happens at an Arraignment?

May 6, 2022 | Arraignment

An arraignment is your initial appearance in court for your criminal defense case. It is one of your constitutional rights to be presented with the charges against you. It is one of the defendant’s first chances to appear in front of the judge, even though your case will not be won at an arraignment. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that the arraignment is a formality.

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Defenses to Allegations of Domestic Violence

July 29, 2020 | Criminal Defense Attorney

Family disputes often trigger emotional responses. A single outburst against a loved one might have serious criminal and domestic consequences in Wisconsin. Further, offenders convicted of domestic violence often struggle to find work and take active roles in their children’s lives. Do not let family abuse allegations change the course of your life. Contact the experienced criminal defense and family law attorneys at Hogan Eickhoff immediately for a free consultation.

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Potential Defenses to Wisconsin Homicide Charges

May 5, 2020 | Criminal Defense Attorney

The prospect of facing a homicide prosecution is petrifying with or without a strong homicide defense. Homicide is defined as the act whereby one human being causes the death of another human being – but, importantly, not all homicides are murders. In Wisconsin, certain types of homicide are criminal, but not all homicide is unlawful. Some homicides are legally justifiable, while others are legally excusable. In either case, the individual who killed another would not be legally culpable for the killing. For this reason, it’s critical that anyone facing criminal charges related to homicide retain an experienced lawyer as soon as possible.

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Understanding the Terms & Constitutional Implications of Marsy’s Law

April 2, 2020 | Criminal Defense Attorney

On November 30, 1983, tragedy struck the family of an accomplished young woman named Marsalee (Marsy) Ann Nicholas. Marsy was brutally stalked and murdered by an ex-boyfriend that day, and while still reeling from the pain of this loss, Marsy’s mother was shockingly confronted by Marsy’s killer on the way home from Marsy’s funeral. Marsy’s murderer had been released on bail a few days prior to Marsy’s funeral, but her family hadn’t been notified. The judicial oversights that resulted in this confrontation lead to a campaign for legal reform. Marsy’s family advocated for the enactment of state constitutional rights that would provide victims of crimes with rights equal to those afforded to the accused. These reformations became known as “Marsy’s Law,” which has been adopted in some form by 11 states. Wisconsin Set to Vote on Marsy’s Law Amendment Next Week On April 7, 2020, Wisconsin residents are scheduled to … Continued

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