Three Ways Prescription Drugs Can Lead to Criminal Charges

October 18, 2022 | Constitution

Prescription drugs may have multiple uses. While you may need them for a certain purpose, others may have their own needs for them, some of which may be illegal. Something that is completely legal may cross a line if it is used incorrectly or illegally distributed. You can still face criminal charges for misusing prescription drugs even after your physician had written up a legitimate prescription – in some cases, even when the need was genuine. OWI for Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence It is important that you read the instructions that go along with your prescription drugs. Some may advise you that you should not operate any type of heavy machinery for a certain period of time after taking the medication. Heavy machinery, in this case, will include a car. Some prescriptions may have a similar impact on alcohol or drugs. Wisconsin OWI law is not just centered … Continued

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In Wisconsin, Traffic Stops Can Turn Into Expansive Investigations

August 29, 2019 | Criminal Defense Attorney

At Hogan Eickhoff, we know that traffic stops are the most common form of police contact in the United States, and law enforcement often uses traffic stops as an opportunity to determine whether a driver is impaired, carrying contraband, or involved in some other illegal activity. The 4th Amendment to the, however, prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and limits how and when officers can stop people and search them, their belongings, and their homes.

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