How to Protect Your Rights After an Arrest in Wisconsin

February 24, 2025 | Criminal Defense Attorney

What you do after an arrest in Wisconsin matters. There are certain mistakes that you can make that can put you in an even more precarious legal position. Once you make these mistakes, it can be extremely hard to undo them. However, you may not know that you have made an error until after the damage has been done. The best way to avoid damaging your own defense is to contact an attorney as soon as possible after you have been arrested. The criminal defense lawyers at Hogan Eickhoff can fight to protect your legal rights and work for the best possible outcome in your case.

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Pretrial Motions and Their Impact on Your Criminal Case in Appleton

May 21, 2024 | Criminal Defense Attorney

Much of the ground rules and underpinnings for your criminal case are determined in advance of the actual trial before the jury. By that time, the charges against you are set, and the evidence that the prosecutor is allowed to use has already been disclosed. You can file various pretrial motions for a judge to rule on key issues in your case. The criminal defense lawyers at Hogan Eickhoff can aggressively defend you when you are facing charges in the justice system.

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What to Expect at a Criminal Trial in Wisconsin

November 21, 2023 | Constitution

The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution entitles you to a jury trial in a criminal case. You will have your proverbial “day in court,” where the prosecution will present the evidence against you in the form of witnesses. You will also have the right to put on your own case. Here is what you can expect at a criminal trial in Wisconsin.

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Importance of Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney in Wisconsin

September 19, 2023 | Court Hearings

Once you have been charged with a crime, your first major decision is whether to hire a lawyer in your case. There is no question that you should retain an attorney to represent you. Your legal rights and perhaps even your freedom are at risk. You are then faced with a choice of whether to hire a private criminal defense lawyer or a public defender. It is worth the investment to get your own private lawyer. Public defenders are simply too overloaded and under-resourced to fight as effectively as a private lawyer can.

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Understanding the Role of the Prosecutor in a Criminal Case

May 23, 2023 | Criminal Defense Attorney

When conferring with your criminal defense lawyer, you will often hear them speak of what the prosecutor is doing and what they may be thinking. The prosecutor plays a vital role in the criminal justice system, and how they proceed could determine your freedom and future.

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Four Tips for Building A Strong Criminal Defense

November 22, 2022 | Arraignment

What you do after you have been arrested and charged with a crime could dictate whether you face legal consequences and how serious they are. You can help or hurt your own criminal defense based on your own actions. Regardless of the charges against you, there are things that you can do to put yourself in the position to get the best possible legal outcome in your case. Here are four tips for you to consider as you seek to build the strongest possible criminal defense in your case. Hire an Experienced Attorney Immediately You should never try to face the criminal justice system on your own. Law enforcement has seemingly unlimited resources that they can use in your case. You are up against an experienced prosecutor who knows the process well. Although they may have many cases on their docket, they know how to move along the ones that … Continued

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Preliminary Hearings in Wisconsin

October 27, 2020 | Court Hearings

If you have been charged with a felony offense, you have a legal right to a preliminary hearing in your case. In felony cases, a preliminary hearing is the court appearance that follows the initial appearance hearing. In misdemeanor criminal cases, there is no preliminary hearing. Preliminary hearings are also known as preliminary examinations, probable cause hearings, or simply as ‘prelims.’ As the individual who is accused of committing a criminal offense, you do not have a right to testify at a preliminary hearing. In other words, you cannot take the witness stand and talk about your version of events. However, your lawyer has the right cross-examine any witnesses, including police officers and others, whom the prosecuting attorney calls as a witness. The court will then make a determination about whether probable cause exists to charge you with the felony offense. If you are facing a felony criminal charge, it … Continued

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